Tuesday, January 12, 2010


they were strangers,
but the faces were smiling,
it was shown in their eyes.

it was like an ice,
but, surely it will not last,
not for all the times.

started to work,
it seemed to be difficult,
though it was not easy,
the hands must be on.

the courage was there,
so everything turned to be fine,
near to perfectness,
far from nothing.

it should not stop there,
good things must remain,
to be shared with others,
since the happiness is just around the corner.


Hawa said...

i think i was something like "look world!!through this hand-made raft we had come, for power!!" or something similar, so the hand pose.

missnames said...

your hands help a lot..
it deserved to pose like that.uhuh


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