Sunday, April 19, 2009

APC Retreat

Alhamdulillah, we finished our APC Retreat today. Although it was only in Gombak (Bt 12 to be exact), the retreat went smoothly, and we achieved a lot. I've to say, in lots of Peers meeting and retreats, this one stand above them all. Thanks all for your determination and commitment, cheers for ourselves!!

As the only Peers 11 batch who could make it (guys, i've been plotting revenge..muahaha, just wait), this retreat had served as a platform for me to know our dearest 12th batch, and what can i say, adik-adik 12th batch , u guys rock!! (not only madam kalsom eh :] ). Couldn't wait to work with you all.

To all of you who couldn't attend, I'll try to post the details of the retreats later.


Anonymous said...

Good luck to you guys... I'll be watching


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