Saturday, December 22, 2007

Introduction To CSD Support Groups

There are five support groups under Counseling Services Department. They are known as;

1) IIUM Peers
*100 hours of training curriculum to be the peer helper.
*Trainer: Sr. Norzaihan Kamaruddin & Sr. Nordinah Mohd Kassim

2) IIUM Peer Counselor
*Para-Professional Peer Counselor who completed 100 hours of training curriculum
*Trainer: Mdm. Kalsom Wan Adam & Br. Wan Mohd Ashmirullah Wan Abdullah

3) Personal Growth Group (PGG)
*Provide opportunity to develop self-confidence and discover your potentials.
*Trainer: Br. Saiful Redza Mohamed

4) Creative Group (CREATIVE)
*Provide various channels to enhance creativity and express ideas in written form.
*Trainer: Br. Saaiful Azhar Jamil

5) Guidance Group
*Integrated skills on human interaction.
*Trainer: Br. Wan Mohd Ashmirullah Wan Abdullah



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